Saturday, November 26, 2016

November MOR: Medea

Medea lines 1-130:
So far Medea is about a woman and her husband. It starts by discussing Medea's husband Jason and his voyages at sea looking for the legendary golden fleece. Medea helped Jason With her magic in order to find the fleece. They then both went back to Lolcus which is where Jason lived. They had two boys and earned "citizens 'welcome" (line 12). This was a big deal in that culture. In the story, this is an honor that is conveyed with great pride and joy. Later, unfortunately, Jason leaves his wife and kids to go marry the daughter of Ceon. he wanted to play the system for a possibility of becoming the king. Greed is a huge theme so far in the story. Medea goes into a great depression and wants to curse her kids and family. She is only doing this out of spite and greed. Throughout this whole time of despair Medea has only one person who is really sticking with her; the nurse. What do you think about the nurse? What about her loyalty to Medea? What do you think about Jason's decision to leave Medea?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Antigone Trial Reflection

              In my opinion the Antigone trial went really well. It was a great experience to actually play out a Greek court. I learned a lot about how the system worked. I also realized how hard it is to be a lawyer and come up with questions for wittiness to help prove your point. Of course I am really glad that the jury declared Antigone innocent but I felt that Patsy had some really good arguments. I understand that we had a some what of a bias jury due to our Christian demographic, but I feel that both sides made some really good points. I was really proud of how prepared and well spoken my witnesses were. It really helped with my case.  Overall I am really glad that we preformed this trial and I hope we can do more things like this in the future.    

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Quote: "What is, Antigone? Black news? I can see already"

Question: What is black news in this context? Is it an insult?

Monday, September 26, 2016

music monday

This is the link to my music Monday from 9/26/16

Monday, September 12, 2016

My favorite thing about my affermations was that they were all consistent.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Extravert(75%)  Sensing(31%)  Feeling(6%)  Judging(53%)
  • You have distinct preference of Extraversion over Introversion (75%)
  • You have moderate preference of Sensing over Intuition (31%)
  • You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (6%)
  • You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (53%)
I think that this test did a really good job picking my type. I fully agree with every part of my type. I like hard facts and organization. I also consider myself to be pretty extroverted. 
This type is considered the caregivers. They enjoy helping people.